(Video: Who are we? What do we do?)

(Video: Deaf Ecosystem)


The Deaf Butterfly Effect is a fully owned and operated Deaf business based in South Australia.

We can guide you through your NDIS plan so that you feel empowered to achieve your life goals with the right supports.

Changing your world for the better! 

Your choice, control and independence at the core of our philosophy.

Auslan interpreting and translating services also available.

We hope to see you soon.

Tanya & Tim



We have a vision of a socially just, accessible and inclusive community, in which the human rights, belonging, contribution, potential and diversity of all people with disability are recognised, respected and celebrated with pride. Also, a vision of a community that embraces people living with a disability and supports their right to choose how they live their lives.


To listen and learn from people with a disability, their families and support networks so we can meet individual needs including partnering with people and their communities to support life enhancing opportunities for everyone to – live, work and belong in an inclusive world.


We believe that people with disability, irrespective of age, gender, cultural or linguistic background, religious beliefs, geographic location, sexuality, or the nature, origin or degree of our disability.



We adopt a person-centred approach to our work, and we foster an environment of mutual respect and trust among ourselves and all with whom we serve.


Equality is about ensuring that every individual has an equal opportunity to make the most of their lives and talents. It is also the belief that no one should have poorer life chances because of the way they were born, where they come from, what they believe, or whether they have a disability.


We are committed to achieving the highest level of excellence in client care, client education and discovery of themselves, life and the world.

Adaptability and Flexibility

Adaptability is the quality of being able to adjust to new conditions. Being able to anticipate and plan ahead to allow for contingencies, while flexibility can be more immediate and situational, with a need to accommodate our clients and people around them.

Connect and Trust

Relationships build trust. We connect with each other. We connect with what we’re working towards. We connect with our clients and their families. We connect with partners and the community. We connect with data and stories. We tell the truth and strive to earn the trust of those around us.

Creativity and Innovation

We seek ideas and approaches that can change the way the world discovers, teaches and heals, and we are committed to lifelong learning.


We are each responsible for ensuring the organisation always maintains high standards and achieves high success levels.

Tenacity and Resilience

It is the quality of staying determined. Persevering when the going gets tough and sticking to a project, task, or deadline while figuring out adjustments to perform more effectively.

Service Through Teamwork

We collaborate with everyone including clients’ families, friends, community and partners to effectively and compassionately serve our clients and our community.

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